Peter and Audrey Switzer Trophy Room

School Music - North Easthope Pipe Band Trophy

Donated By: North Easthope Pipe Band
First Presented: 1960
Criteria: Best Elementary Boys' Choir

The North Easthope Pipe Band was organized in 1953. The community group, led by Pipe Major Crerar Robertson, performed at parades, New Year's Eve dances, played for Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret and competed at area Highland Games. Sadly, by 1971 it was difficult to round up enough band members to make parade commitments, so the band folded.

Throughout its history, the band made many donations to community organizations. Pipe Major Robertson, who had an interest in the Music Festival stemming from years of participation under the direction of Ida Kollman, suggested that the band donate a trophy to the Kiwanis Music Festival. His fellow bandsmen agreed to award the North Easthope Pipe Band Trophy to the best Boys' Chorus from a rural school.

Eligible Classes

2025 Provincial QualifyingSchool Choirs70007Male - Unchanged Voices
SchoolsSchool Choirs K - 81643Boys Choir Grades 1-6 - Unison (one selection - own choice)
SchoolsSchool Choirs K - 81644Boys Choir Grades 7-8 ( one selection with a changing voice part - own choice)